Company Culture at Promotion Intelligence is much more than words on a page. It impacts how we live our lives every day, how we interact with friends, family, peers and customers.
Above all, we value integrity, courage, respect, teamwork and professionalism. We practice customer-focussed decision-making, always ensuring we fully reach our potential as a team and as individuals.
Our diversity and inclusion goals are of utmost importance. With one female founder and one African-Irish founder, both represent minorities in the technology space, and are passionate about hiring people with diverse backgrounds and skillsets.
Our mission is to create an equitable exchange of value between brands and consumers. We believe that wherever value is created, value should also be received. By allowing consumers to choose the anonymised purchase data they submit in-app, and rewarding them for it, we create a consumer-centric data democracy, and in turn, enable companies to serve their market even better.
We care about the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our employees, and make sure our work environment caters to employee needs.
We believe in ensuring employees have good quality of life, and that everyone deserves a real living wage.
We value diverse backgrounds, abilities and skillsets, and make sure to cater to diverse individuals in our hiring process.
Employee participation is key to driving innovation, and excellence. At Promotion Intelligence, every voice matters.
We make sure that our operations respect the environment, from working in energy-efficient office space, to bike-to-work schemes, we live our CSR message.
Honesty is everything. We operate a ‘no-blame culture’, ensuring that we continuously learn, grow, and evolve as a Company, together as a team.
Get in touch - we are always looking for talented people to join
us on our mission to change consumer intelligence, for good.